FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Scott Prestidge The largest study of its kind in the country on pneumatic controllers has been conducted along Colorado’s Front Range over the past year and the preliminary results have been very promising. CDPHE’s Regulation 7: (XVIII.B.10.) “Pneumatic Controller” means an instrument that is actuated using pressurized gas and used to control or monitor process parameters such as liquid level, gas level, pressure, valve position, liquid flow, gas flow and temperature. As part of the 2017 Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) Rulemaking, the CDPHE Air Quality Division was directed to study pneumatic controllers utilized by the oil and natural gas industry. The study applies to the Denver Metro North Front Range Ozone Nonattainment area with a primary focus of data collection and analysis, including an examination of Reg. 7 definitions, and good engineering and maintenance practices. Several companies participated in the study, which analyzed over 3,800 controllers at 179 sites to assess the rate, type, application, and causes of pneumatic controllers found operating improperly. The preliminary results of this study were very promising in that 95 percent of the controllers were found to be operating properly. These initial results will go a long way to informing the emission rates of these controllers, as assessed in numerous studies in other states, and it will go a long way to inform the broader efforts to measure emissions being undertaken by CDPHE and EPA. “While we are halfway through this taskforce process as established by the AQCC, the oil and natural gas industry has once again shown its willingness to come to the table in a transparent manner and participate in an open stakeholder process to put science and data front and center,” said Dan Haley, President and CEO of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA). “Through continued collaboration and discussion we hope to work closely with all stakeholders to support the continued success of this data-driven process being conducted by the state through the remainder of 2019.” About COGA Founded in 1984, the Colorado Oil & Gas Association’s (COGA) mission is to foster and promote the beneficial, efficient, responsible and environmentally sound development, production and use of Colorado oil and natural gas. COGA is a nationally recognized trade association that aggressively promotes the expansion of Rocky Mountain natural gas markets, supply, and transportation infrastructure through its growing and diverse membership.